Survival Techniques In Case of War

6 min readFeb 21, 2022


If your country goes to war, you must do your best to survive. To know survival techniques in case of war or in case of nuclear attack, it means to have a well-developed survival kit.

Any country can be in the middle of a politico-military conflict, of course with great economic implications, which helps us with nothing but fear and apprehension for innocent children.

When we are at the point of “to be or not to be”, we must take this threat seriously and think about what to do in this war. It’s like an earthquake, you don’t know when it’s coming, you don’t know when it will end, but you know you have to be prepared at all times to act in order to survive.

War is a very difficult endeavor, and that is because the “enemy” is a man like you.

If the war is to be, this time it will be different, it will be much more “technological”, so we can only do too much to prepare ourselves from all points of view, to establish survival techniques.

Utopianly, the battle should be fought between two or more country leaders who fail to control their ego. But, as they are cowards and make their people fight on their behalf, then many are the ones who suffer from these conflicts.

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Survival techniques in case of war

Make a plan — If an attack occurs, you will not be safe if, for example, you go out to stock up on food. In case of war, you must stay sheltered for at least 48 hours, and it can be extended up to weeks or months. If you have food supplies and a well-developed first aid kit, then your mind and energy will be channeled into other survival techniques. A survival kit is just as useful!

Stock up on non-perishable food. This type of food lasts for years. Choose items that contain a lot of carbohydrates and store them in a cool, dry place:


wheat, oats, any type of grain and seeds




nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc

dried fruits and vegetables.

Stock up on time. Whenever you go to the grocery store, buy one or two items to add to your grocery store. In a few months, you should be able to store food to survive for a long time. Don’t forget canned food, and these are useful foods in case of war.

To survive in case of war, stock up on water!

Without food we know that we can last longer, but water is an element that should not be missing, so stock up in glass or plastic containers. In case of war, you can use chlorine and potassium iodide (elements that you should have in your survival kit) to purify rainwater or pond water.

Communication Technologies-Among the survival techniques is the fact that it is important to be able to be informed of what is happening, so that the survival kit should not be missing:

A radio: try to find a radio with a crank or one that works on solar energy. If you have one with batteries, make sure you have spare batteries on hand.

A whistle: you can use it to signal the need for help.

Mobile phone: The phone service may not work, but if it does work, you need to be prepared to use it. For this, you may need to purchase a solar charger for your phone model.

Stock of medical supplies — having a few medical supplies is vital! To complete the survival kit you will need:

A first aid kit — you can buy one or you can make it yourself. You will need sterile gauze and bandages, antibiotic ointment, latex gloves, scissors, tweezers, a thermometer and possibly a blanket.

A manual with first aid instructions: you can buy such brochures from various organizations such as the Red Cross or you can list your own book with materials collected from the internet. You need to know how to bandage a wound, how to administer CPR, how to treat burns and shocks, what to do in case of fractures or dislocations, etc.

Prescription medications — if you are taking a specific medication each day, it is a good idea to stock up.

Get other necessary things. Prepare a survival kit that would be indicated to contain the following:

a flashlight and spare batteries (preferably a headrest or a crank flashlight)

dust masks

plastic wrap and tape

garbage bags, wet wipes

a wrench and pliers to turn off the water and gas (if applicable)


sleeping bag

warm clothes

a knife

match supplies

Keep an eye on the news. An attack of any kind will most likely be preceded by a rather serious political situation.

How to survive a nuclear attack

In the event of a nuclear attack, the situation is more sensitive, but there are several survival techniques. You must know that radiation is toxic and affects the internal organs, so you must find a safe shelter, a more special shelter, created against radiation as soon as possible. Also, in case of a nuclear attack, subway tunnels or any other tunnels are good, even shelters built underground.

The first warning of a nuclear attack will most likely be an alarm signal, or a warning, if not, it will be the explosion itself. The light from the detonation of a nuclear weapon can be seen from tens of kilometers away. In the immediate vicinity of the explosion, the chances of survival are practically non-existent, only if you are already in an anti-atomic shelter that offers very good protection. If you are a few km away from the explosion, you will have about 10–15 seconds until the heat wave hits you. Under no circumstances should you look directly at the fireball — during the day it can cause even temporary blindness, even at quite long distances.

However, the damage caused by such an explosion varies depending on the size of the bomb, the altitude of the explosion and even the weather conditions at the time of the explosion.

If you can’t find shelter, look for a nearby depression area and sit face down, exposing as little skin as possible. If you do not have this possibility, a survival technique would be to dig a hole as quickly as possible and sit in it face down.

If you fail to choose one of these survival techniques above, then stay inside the house, apartment, but only if you are sure that this building will not suffer significant damage from the explosion. If you stay indoors, this will give you some radiation protection. Stay away from windows, preferably in a room without, even if the building is not significantly damaged. A nuclear explosion will shatter windows even at great distances.

Be careful not to be surrounded by flammable substances. Any oil or nylon-based material will ignite from the heat of the nuclear explosion.

After the explosion, stay in the shelter for a minimum of 200 hours (8–9 days). Under no circumstances should you leave the shelter for the first 48 hours! Even after these 8–9 days, an exposure as limited as possible is indicated, as it could take up to 90 days for the radiation level to drop considerably.




MGS / Quora Content Creator / Spaces Admin/Translator / Palermo, Sicily , IT