Principles of Living Nutrition. Alkalinity vs. Acidity

6 min readFeb 23, 2022


To begin with, a small observation: the alkalinity or acidity of a food is given by the state in which it enters, generally speaking, the stomach, when a food comes in contact with it.

For example, when a piece of meat in the food bowl reaches the stomach, hydrochloric acid is secreted by the stomach lining to break down the ingested protein. Thus, it enters an acid state. Similarly, for an “alkaline” food, the stomach secretes bile, an ALKALINE enzyme useful for dissolution and predigestation (already started by chewing and combining with saliva).

It is therefore in an alkaline state. Therefore, we generally call foods alkaline or acidic, depending on the direction they impose on the acid-base balance. The pH (hydrogen potential) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, and is measured on a scale of 0 to 14.

Thus, if a solution is neutral in terms of acidity or alkalinity, it will have a pH of 7. A pH value below 7, shows us that the solution is acidic, and the pH value of a solution is higher than 7. , shows us that solution is alkaline.

The normal pH of healthy human blood is 7.4, ie alkaline, which leads us to the conclusion that maintaining this pH within normal limits, promotes health and balance in the body.

An acidic diet destroys your bones because your body must “steal” alkalizing minerals from them to avoid acidification of the blood and in the long run will lead directly to osteoporosis or other chronic or degenerative diseases.

Also, such a diet (mostly acidic) ages you and increases your risk of developing various serious diseases. Keeping an alkaline diet means consuming with priority over the day (over 75%) those foods that make your body more alkaline.

If you eat acidic foods, the amount should not exceed 25% of everything you eat during the day and make sure that at the same meal you eat more alkaline than acid.

Vegetables (lettuce, nettles, stevia), cucumbers, edible seaweed, cabbage, broccoli, celery, parsley, parsnips, asparagus, beets, spinach, squash, zucchini, eggplant, unprepared tomatoes, baked potatoes ), onion,garlic.

Fruits: melons and tomatoes, grapes, avocados, bananas, peaches, citrus fruits (even if they are acidic, after digestion give an alkaline reaction in the body), apples, pears, raisins, pineapple, kiwi.

Dairy products: homemade sweet cheese, yogurt

Seeds: sunflower, flax seeds


Cereals: buckwheat, millet

Other alkaline foods: plain water, fresh fruit juices, honey (in small amounts), fresh bee pollen.

As long as they are not overcooked, preserved, fried, most vegetables and fruits give an alkaline reaction in the body.

Acidic foods:

Meat and meat products, industrially processed milk and milk products, white flour and confectionery, white sugar and white sugar products, white rice, eggs, nuts (of any kind), fried foods, vegetable oils except pressed olives cold, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, generally industrially processed foods, some dried legumes (beans, soybeans), synthetic drugs, foods contaminated with pesticides and herbicides, carbonated juices, carbonated water.

Alkaline fruits: raisins, dates, figs, pineapples, apples, apricots, peaches, cherries, avocados, grapes, ripe bananas, strawberries, grapefruits, mangoes, melons, nectarines, black olives, papaya, pears

Acidic fruits: all preserves, jams, jams, candied fruit, glazed, dried fruit preserved by sulfide

Alkaline vegetables: mushrooms, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, red and white cabbage tomatoes, onions, garlic, leeks, lettuce, beets, carrots, potatoes, spinach, artichokes, cucumbers, endives, parsley, parsnips, peppers, pumpkin, radishes , soybeans, flax, pumpkin, turnip, eggplant, sprouted legumes

Acidic vegetables: hot peppers, rhubarb, all kinds of beans and lentils except germinated

Alkaline cereals: fresh cereals, green barley, neutral foods but which absorb digestive acidity: toast, bread older than 2 days (contain less gluten which generates excess mucus in the body).

Acidic cereals: pastries, white bread, wholemeal or graham bread, starch, dough, popcorn, corn, pasta, semolina, rice (white, brown, basmati), oatmeal, rice, barley, rye, cereal flakes

Alkaline sweets: sugar cane juice, dried cane sugar, brown rice syrup, natural honey in very small quantities

Acidic sweets: sweets, cakes, biscuits, wafers, chocolate, synthetic sweeteners (saccharin, aspartame, sorbitol), artificial honey or sugar, fructose, lactose

Alkaline animal products: quail eggs, duck eggs

Acidic animal products: sausages, all kinds of mammal meat, poultry, fish, gelatin, fat, caviar, chicken eggs

Alkaline drinks: root vegetable juices, unsweetened herbal teas, plain water and spring water are considered neutral if they have a pH slightly above 7 (write on the bottle)

Acidic drinks: all alcoholic beverages, synthetic soft drinks,cola, coffee, cocoa, soda

Alkaline dairy products: skim milk, kefir, whey, butter, whipped cream, fresh unpasteurized milk (cow, goat), plain unpasteurized yogurt or skim milk

Acidic dairy products: parmesan, fermented cheese, cheese, ice cream, sweetened yogurt or fruit yogurt, boiled milk, powdered milk, fermented sour cream

Alkaline cooked food: boiled, cooked vegetables, dishes or vegetable pots, but without tomatoes or broth, vegetable and root soups without meat

Acidic cooked foods: foods containing boiled tomatoes, broth or tomato paste, soups in which he boiled meat, soups with added vegetables, cooked spinach, preserves

Various alkalis: almost all spices, alfalfa products, seaweed, ginger, sea salt, brewer’s yeast (bulk)

Various acids: pickles made with vinegar, mayonnaise, refined salt, sauces, ketchup, tomato paste, mustard, curry, synthetic food additives: flavors, dyes, glutamate, preservatives such as benzoate, vinegar, brine, smoke

Alkaline oily foods: cold pressed sunflower or olive oil, fish oil, primrose oil, almonds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, sesame, chestnuts, fresh coconut

Acidic oily foods: refined sunflower or olive oil, oily fruits and ripe or fried seeds, nuts, pistachios always eat animal products (especially meat, cheese) eat something green (cucumber, salad, broccoli, etc.) .

Some useful tips:

Don’t run away from fruit, even if you’re on a diet, eat fruit before 12:00 — watermelon is strongly alkalizing

Get enough sleep, relax and exercise Do not smoke, do not drink alcohol Natural minerals extracted from shells, eggshell, seaweed and sea salts, especially calcium, vitamin D, zinc, copper and magnesium are recommended in belts for alkalizing the body drink plain water with lemon. Although lemon is acidic, the stomach becomes strongly alkaline

It is important to understand that on the PH scale, there are very large differences between values. A liquid with a pH of 6 is 10 times more acidic than a liquid with a pH of 7; a liquid with a pH of 5 is 100 times more acidic than pure water. Most sour juices have a pH of 3, making them 10,000 times more acidic than pure water. Remember next time you drink juice.

Chew for a long time (20–40 seconds)

Slowly swallow 70% of the food to be thermally unprocessed, vegetables, fruits, seeds.

The volume of a table should not exceed the surface of the palms held in place

The food should be warm, not cold or hot.

In the morning, drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of baking soda

Leave an interval of 3–6 hours between meals

Hydrate, sweat!

Give up dairy products and their derivatives, animal protein, gluten and carbonated drinks.

Breathe properly, keep your muscle, joint and ligament tone, as well as a relaxed mental state and a humble attitude !

Only on alkalinity does the human body regenerate. So keep your youth , by eating smart !




MGS / Quora Content Creator / Spaces Admin/Translator / Palermo, Sicily , IT