Green Beans. How Many Amazing Benefits Are Hidden In A Pod

4 min readMar 12, 2022


In the past, green beans were called the meat of the poor, due to their high protein content. It is native to the Americas, being brought to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century. Also, a green bean brings many benefits to our body, and can be consumed and prepared in various ways.

Here are the nutritional properties of green beans:

As I said above, green beans have a rich content of protein and fiber, a rich set of vitamins, both fat-soluble and water-soluble (vitamin A, provitamin A (beta carotene), the range of vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin K), minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, even phosphorus, etc.) and omega 3 fatty acids.

Green beans contain a large amount of water (about 90%) and are a good source of folic acid (which prevents fetal neural tube defects) and which together with vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis and cell division.

Here are the health benefits of green bean pods:

-Green bean pods protect the cardiovascular system, due to the content of antioxidants. Studies have also shown that it helps regulate cholesterol levels in the body;

-Green bean pods are recommended in diets. They have a diuretic role, prevent water retention and facilitate the elimination of toxins, being easier to digest. They have few calories (only 31 kcal per 100g) and a relevant dietary fiber content (3.4g in 100g of beans), this vegetable is an optimal food for weight loss, but also for better digestion;

-Green bean pods help improve blood circulation;

-Reduces the risk of developing certain cancer cells. Due to its rich content of antioxidants (quercitin, kaempferol, lutein and beta-carotene), green beans fight against the negative effects of free radicals and prevent the development of cancerous tumors;

-Green bean pods prevent the formation of infections. People who are susceptible to infections, who are prone to tumor disease, should eat a portion of beans cooked steamed or boiled at least once every two days;

-Green bean pods keep our eyes healthy, due to the impressive amount of vitamin A (in 1000 gr of product we find 23% of the daily requirement) and carotenoids;

-Due to the folic acid in the composition, green beans are recommended for both pregnant women and children;

-Green beans prevent osteoporosis. Vitamins B5, B6 and PP found in the composition prevent calcium loss from the bones, thus fighting osteoporosis. Beans are also among the richest foods in vitamin K, a vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining the health of the skeletal system;

Green bean pods are indicated in anemia, diabetes and cholesterol

-Green bean pods are indicated in case of anemia. Nutritionists recommend that people with iron deficiency eat green beans more often, in the form of salad or juice extracted from green pods, which will provide them with the deficient mineral;

-Green beans are an adjunct in type II diabetes. Eating green beans helps lower blood sugar. It is recommended to consume a portion of green beans 3 times a week. It is also rich in plant fiber, which prevents the absorption of sugars and reduces insulin secretion;

-Green beans regulate the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Studies show that daily consumption of green beans lowers cholesterol by up to 19%, and in exceptional cases by as much as 30%. Researchers have shown that only 180 g of pods, consumed daily for 28 days, contributes to a 10–20% decrease in negative cholesterol (LDL);

-Eating green beans is a good source of energy for the brain Carbohydrates in bean pods are absorbed slowly and maintain a feeling of satiety for longer compared to the simple carbohydrates we find in sugar, and this provides energy to the brain and muscles;

-Green bean pods prevent atherosclerosis;

-Magnesium and potassium in green beans are two drugs that make a formidable tandem in reducing and stabilizing blood pressure. It is recommended to consume 240 g of beans per day, for at least 1 month;

-Bean pods prevent premature aging. Thanks to vitamin A, eating green beans helps prevent premature aging.

Green Beans — Useful Tips:

Unlike beans, which can be kept dry, green bean pods should be frozen fresh or boiled and then frozen. They can also be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed bag, to be consumed in a maximum of 4–5 days.

When buying it, always check for mold stains. Remove the tails only when you have decided to cook them, as they may get moldy or degrade faster. A recommendation: do not eat them raw because they contain an enzyme that disturbs digestion and is inhibited only while they are being cooked.


People with oxalate kidney stones should eat green beans with caution.

In case of dyspepsia, predisposition to meteorism, green beans will be consumed preferably seasoned with carminative plants, such as thyme, basil, cumin, oregano.




MGS / Quora Content Creator / Spaces Admin/Translator / Palermo, Sicily , IT